Contact Persons
We are from Pankow! And we would like to organize your visit to Pankow as eventful as possible
Stefanie Gronau
tic Kultur-und Tourismusmarketing Berlin-Pankow
Fröbelstr.17, Haus 2, Raum 202, 10405 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 912 067 75
Fax: +49 30 912 067 73
Uwe Precht
Customer Service in Tourist Information and Online Editor
tic Kultur-und Tourismusmarketing Berlin-Pankow,
Fröbelstr.17, Haus 2, Raum 202, 10405 Berlin
Adresse Tourist Information:
Sudhaus in der KulturBrauerei
Schönhauser Allee 3, 10435 Berlin
Opening hours: Daily from 11 to 19